Looking for EBSCO, GVRL, or Films on Demand?
Access our library databases on our A-Z Databases page. Filter databases by subject (e.g., history) or by information type (e.g., streaming videos).
How do I log in?
In order to access library resources or view your account, you need to be logged in. Log in using your myClackamas username and password, which is your full @student.clackamas.edu email address and password. You can do this from many places and at many points in your research:
Use the "Refine my results" left sidebar to trim down your results to the right format, publication date, or author.
Select the green "Full text online" link on the article to read it.
If the link says "No full-text available," fill out an Interlibrary Loan request form and we’ll borrow the item from one of our partner libraries and email it to you, usually within one or two days.
This is just the FAQ for CCC Library services and resources, so if you are looking for information for another CCC department, try searching the main College website.