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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about CCC Library.
  • Are there late fines? What happens when an item is brought back late or declared missing?
  • Great news! CCC Library eliminated fines on items returned late. If a book is significantly late (21 days past its due date), it is declared lost/missing and you will be responsible for the cost of the book and a processing fee. You may also have your account put on hold so you cannot check out books or register for classes until the book is returned or the lost fees paid.
    Instructors may place copies of textbooks on Course Reserves in the library, but CCC Library does not purchase textbooks for CCC courses. Use your student ID and check out Course Reserves for 3 hours of in-library use.
  • I want to suggest a purchase.
  • Great! We would love to hear your ideas for books, eBooks, journals, DVDs, and more! Please fill out our Suggest a Purchase form.
  • I'm a community member. Can I borrow books? Can I access online material?
  • Yes, you can borrow books! Residents of Clackamas County may obtain a community borrower's card at CCC Library's Circulation Desk. To sign up for a community borrower's card, you need a piece of ID that shows you are a Clackamas County resident. With your card you may borrow CCC Library's books and request items we do not own through Interlibrary Loan.
    You can access CCC Library's electronic materials from computers at our Oregon City, Harmony, and Wilsonville locations. You must be on campus to access our electronic collections; community borrowers do not have remote-access privileges.
  • How do I renew books?
  • CCC Library-owned items may be renewed by clicking on the My Account link at the top of the library website. After logging in, you should see an Overview of your library loans and be able to select Renew All. You are also welcome to visit Dye Learning Center and bring each item back to renew it in person (as long as there is not a hold on the item).
    Summit items can be renewed one time for an additional six weeks using the same renewal process in My Account.
  • I need help finding a textbook.
  • To see whether the library has your textbook, use our Course Reserves search to look up your course number (e.g., MTH 065).
    Instructors may place copies of textbooks on Course Reserves in the library, but CCC Library does not purchase textbooks for CCC courses. Use your student ID and check out Course Reserves for 3 hours of in-library use.
    If you would like to purchase or rent a textbook, CCC has other options like ASG’s Lending Library or the CCC Bookstore.
  • How can I put a hold on a book? What is a “hold”?
  • When you place a hold on a book, it means you are reserving the book for you to check out, so nobody else can borrow it before you get into the library. Please note that Course Reserves are first-come, first-served in the library and cannot be placed on hold.
    1. Locate the book in the CCC Library catalog.
    2. Select its title to get a more detailed view and scroll down to the "Get It" section.
    3. Sign in using your Clackamas email username and password.
    4. Select the blue hyperlinked text "Request: CCC Library" or "Request from Other Summit Libraries," then select "Send Request."
    5. You may have to wait 20 seconds or so after clicking "Send Request" once, but you’ll get a message saying your hold is successful.
    6. The book will be retrieved for you and held for a week at CCC Library's Circulation Desk. You’ll receive an email from CCC Library notifying you when the item is available.

    For more information on checkout, see CCC Library’s borrowing rules.
Clackamas Community College Library - 19600 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Reference: 503-594-6042     |     |     Circulation: 503-594-6323
Library Hours     |     Moodle     |     myClackamas     |     FAQ
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