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WR101 Amy Warren

A library guide to support the "Report on a Job or Career Field" assignment in WR101 with Amy Warren.

Unsure of your profession?

What about the profession are you interested in?

Your WR101 Report on a Job or Career Field assignment gives you two options.

1. The way your chosen job field uses both oral and written communication and the standards that they use for professional communication.

2. A specific issue you have identified that affects your chosen job field in a unique way. Some ideas include:

  • safety issues
  • process for entering the field (could include degrees, testing, certifications, apprenticeships)
  • sub-fields that are related to a specific degree / major / field of study
  • role of technology

Choosing a professional issue to explore

The specific issue you focus your job research on needs to be interesting to you.  You get to learn and write a report about it. A good issue:

  • is interesting to you;
  • is narrow enough - too broad a topic and you won't be able to cover it in your report;
  • is broad enough - too narrow a topic and you won't be able to find enough information about it; and
  • fits the parameters of your assignment.
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