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WR121 Schumacher

Get help researching your proposal for the betterment of humankind. <3

Keyword brainstorming exercise

Here's an example taken from your handout.

1. Write out your proposed claim of policy for the betterment of humanity and the world:
topic statement

2. Circle the most important IDEAS from your research topic:
nouns in topic statement circled

3. Brainstorm additional ways to say those words below.
synonyms and related ideas to topic ideas

4. Build a search string.
search strings

Build a strategic search

Now you have a list of important words and phrases. These are your search terms - what the library catalog or database will use to find you awesome articles, books, and more.

But beware! Do not dump all of these words into a search box. Use the library catalog or database’s Advanced Search tools to organize your ideas and build a strategic search. For help with this, contact a CCC Librarian or try out our Search String Builder (linked below).

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