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WR122 Schumacher

This Course Guide will help you with your Rogerian Argument essay.

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Stack of journals, credit to the Hydroscience & Engineering department at The University of Iowa.It's Rogerian argument time!! By the end of this term you will be working on a big final essay. But first, your 3-5 page Rogerian argument will examine the issue you wish to explore in your final essay - this is a great chance to explore research databases and dip your toe into finding credible, college-level sources. This guide will help you succeed in this process. Use the steps below to:

  1. Choose a good topic (if you haven't already).
  2. Understand characteristics of credible sources.
  3. Brainstorm search terms.
  4. Use library databases to find sources on your topic.
  5. Up your searching game with some useful tips and tricks.
  6. Is your source CRAP? Make sure it's credible.
  7. Cite sources in MLA.

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  1. Look at the bottom of this page. Find print page icon
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  3. A print dialog box will pop up, allowing you to print this guide.
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