This assignment helps you expand your scholarship options and identify potential options for offsetting your college tuition costs! By completing it, you are giving yourself more opportunities. It is also a required assignment for FYE102 (see syllabus).
This assignment is a little different than most because the final results - the list of scholarships your class comes up with - will be published on CCC website and shared with Advisors and future students. This is called an open assignment, and it is the opposite of the disposable assignment so common in education. What are disposable assignments?
"These are assignments that students complain about doing and faculty complain about grading. They’re assignments that add no value to the world – after a student spends three hours creating it, a teacher spends 30 minutes grading it, and then the student throws it away. Not only do these assignments add no value to the world, they actually suck value out of the world." ("What is open Pedagogy" by David Wiley CC BY 4.0)
The purpose of this assignment, then, is to help yourself by helping others and adding value to the CCC community!
Your participation in the "open" part of this assignment is voluntary. None of your personal information (name, email, etc.) will be attached to the final product, so no one will be able to identify who posted what scholarship. You can also choose not to add your scholarship added to the public list; doing so will not affect your assignment grade.
- Use the resources on the Assignment resources page of this guide to find a scholarship that you are qualified to apply for.
- Answer the questions in the form below. Be sure to include a link to the scholarship you found. Click Submit.
- You'll receive a confirmation email that your answers were received.
- When the final list is published, your instructor will let you know!