Recommendations from Matt Warren, English faculty specializing in book and literary magazine publishing.
Magazine, trade journal, newspaper, and peer-reviewed journal articles on a wide range of subjects and is good for research on almost every topic. Most articles are available in full-text. It’s a great place to look for scholarly resources when you’re not sure where to start.
Provides coverage of key library and information science journals and trade publications.
Academic journals and magazines focused on all aspects of the communications field. Topics include advertising and public relations, linguistics, literature and writing, and more.
Contains scholarly journals in the arts and sciences, from their earliest issues up to 3-5 years ago. Does not include current issues of the journals. Access full text by selecting “Content I can access” from the Select an Access Type menu on the Advanced Search page. To get the full text of JSTOR articles, submit an interlibrary loan request to CCC Library.
Royalty-free, public domain, Creative Commons - they're not the same, but what are the differences? And can you legally use these images when you publish something?
An image posted on the Internet is free to use, no citation or attribution needed, right? Not so fast! Images are copyrighted works, and to be an ethical information consumer you need to cite your information (image) source. Depending on the purpose of your use of the image, you may also need to secure permission before using the image. (If you're creating an OER, for example.) To avoid the messy world of online images and copyright, consider using an image with a Creative Commons license.
Select the image above (Source: Comosa Connect) to access an interactive graphic that provides you with a wealth of links to Creative Commons-friendly sources. Additional sources that curate Creative Commons images include: