Evaluating information is especially important when completing projects and assignments in college (and at work!) because you will be evaluated on the quality of sources you use. The CRAP Test is a helpful tool to use when deciding if a source is "good." CRAP stands for Currency, Reliability, Authority and Purpose.
When you evaluate a source, consider these four concepts by asking yourself a few questions about each.
Purpose / Point of View
CRAP Test adapted from Beestrum, M., & Orenic, K. (2008). The CRAP test. Available from http://commons.emich.edu
CRAP works for evaluating articles and websites. In class you will practice applying it to online sources listed below.
For this exercise your research topic is: "Does marijuana help people with chronic pain?"
It depends on what "it" is, and the context in which you're using it. Think about the type of information (e.g., a tweet, a painting) and what you expect of it in terms of quality and in terms of your intended use of it. We'll do this together in class.
Also, I find that asking myself these questions helps me decide if information is good to use:
Here are some tips for making sure the information you have is accurate and reliable:
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