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LIB101: Intro to Library Research

A free, online 1-credit college research course.

Course Description

Introduces and strengthens college-level research skills. Students will build an understanding of strategies for finding, evaluating, and using information responsibly. Prepares students for success in research-based college assignments and real-life research needs.

LIB101 Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing LIB101, students will be able to:

  1. Practice information searching skills across multiple formats and tools.
  2. Evaluate information resources for credibility and suitability for college-level coursework.
  3. Demonstrate ethical and socially-responsible creation and use of information.

Topics covered

  1. Introduction to the research process.
  2. Introduction to developing a basic research topic.
  3. Developing effective keywords.
  4. Effective use of the CCC Library Catalog to identify and access full-text resources relevant to a research topic.
  5. Effective use of academic databases (including search limits) to identify and access full-text articles relevant to a research topic.
  6. Effective use of search engines for finding credible online information.
  7. Evaluation of information resources for credibility and relevancy for information needs.
  8. Introduction to responsible information use, including citing sources and avoiding plagiarism.

Clackamas Community College Library - 19600 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Reference: 503-594-6042     |     |     Circulation: 503-594-6323
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