Items considered lost will be billed to your CCC account. The lost item charge for CCC items returned within 1 year of the billing date may be partially credited. Overdue dines and processing fees may still apply. Refunds for Summit and ILL are determined by the lending library, not the CCC Library.
All patrons' borrowing privileges will be temporarily suspended if library charged exceed $5.00 and they will be reinstated when those charges have been resolved.
The borrower is financially responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged library materials and/or equipment. Regardless of whether payment has been made for an item, library items remain the property of the college. Materials cannot be purchased from the library. Any person who has falsely claimed to have lost materials simply to retain possession can be charged for illegally possessing state property. If library items are damaged, especially by water, please return them immediately to Circulation so appropriate measures can be taken.