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Harmony Library Services

Learn how to use CCC Library services at the Harmony Campus.


Search Summit Libraries for books not held by CCC Library

Borrowing books and articles from other colleges

Search scopes for CCC Library's catalogBooks

CCC Library shares an online catalog with 37 other Summit libraries, and you can borrow items from them. Requesting a book is as easy as clicking a button - and there are millions of items to choose from!

CCC Library's catalog searches three different sizes of content:

  • CCC Library: books, eBooks, videos, and other items at CCC Library
  • CCC Library + Summit: books, eBooks, videos, and other items available at CCC Library and 37 Summit libraries
  • CCC + Summit Libraries + Articles: books, eBooks, videos, and other items at CCC Library and 37 Summit libraries, and a sizable portion of CCC Library's article databases (but not all - much of EBSCO is excluded)


CCC Library's catalog does not have access to articles from the 37 Summit libraries' collections. To request an article that CCC Library does not have access to, you will always use Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

So when do you use Summit, and when do you use ILL?

  • Print books, DVDs, or other physical items listed in the CCC Library + Summit catalog as available at another college, but not CCC - use Summit.
  • Articles that you found on the internet or Google Scholar, or in a database that are not available in full text - use ILL.
  • Print books that are not in the CCC Library + Summit catalog - use ILL

Not sure how to check availability? Contact the Reference Desk at 503-594-6042 or, or chat with a librarian.

Have a question about where your Summit or ILL request? Contact the Circulation Desk at 503-594-6323 or

Requesting Summit items

If you find a print book using CCC Library that CCC doesn’t own, we can order if for you through Summit. Here's what to do:

  1. Type in search terms for the item you want using CCC Library Search.
  2. Choose "CCC + Summit" from the dropdown menu next to the search box, then select Search.
  3. Select the CCC Library users sign in for request options button. 
  4. Log in using your full Clackamas email address and password.
  5. Learn how to get the item by selecting the item's title. 
    1. If an item has a green dot, it is available at CCC. 
    2. If an item has a yellow dot that says "check holdings" it may be available through Summit. Select the Summit libraries link to see if any copies are available. Move on to step 6.
    3. If an item is not found, select the Expand my results link to see if it appears. If the item has a grey dot, it is not available through Summit and you should make an ILL request. 
  6. Select Resource sharing request. 
  7. If you have a specific volume or instructions, indicate them. Otherwise, select Request.
  8. Once completed, select Sign Out in the upper right corner of the page. Then, close your browser window to ensure that your account is closed completely.

CCC Library will email you when your Summit item is available for pick up. Materials can be picked up at the CCC Circulation Services desk in 2-5 business days. Items must be picked up within seven calendar days after they are available or they will be returned to the lending library.

If your Summit request cannot be filled, an email will notify you that your request was canceled. Instructions on how to request the item through ILL will be available on the cancelation email.

Community borrowers cannot use Summit, but they can request books through ILL.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

CCC students, faculty, staff, and community borrowers in need of books, articles, or other materials not available at CCC Library or through Summit Libraries can request those items from another library that participates in the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) program. Loan periods may be shorter than for our own materials, and renewals may or may not be possible. ILL is a free service.

All article requests should be submitted through ILL.

To request an article, first double-check that the article is not available from another database. The CCC Library Catalog is a good place to check!

Once you have determined it is not available at CCC, please fill out our Interlibrary Loan form (below) or contact Jorge Avila Ayala at 503-594-6323 or Articles will be emailed to you in 1-4 days. Include the following information:

  • Article name
  • Article author
  • Journal name, volume number, and issue number
  • Publication date
  • Article page range

To request a book, first double-check that the book is not available from a Summit library (use the search box on this page). If it is not (or if you are a community borrower), please contact Jorge Avila Ayala at 503-594-6323 or ILL books arrive in 7-10 business days. Include the book title, author, publication date, and ISBN (if possible).

You may also stop by the library to fill out a paper request form.

Summit borrowing policies

CCC Summit items that are requested by other institutions can not be replaced by the patron.

For details regarding checking out items, loan periods, and overdue fines, please refer to Checkout and return.

Summit visiting patron program

Current CCC students, faculty, and staff can visit other Summit libraries to check out materials.

  1. At the other institution, users must log into their CCC Library account to verify their current active status.
  2. Once “adopted” by the other library, CCC borrowers can begin using the other library’s materials.
  3. Non-CCC borrowers can also be adopted at CCC Library. Once “adopted”, they may begin checking out CCC-owned materials directly from CCC Library.
Clackamas Community College Library - 19600 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Reference: 503-594-6042     |     |     Circulation: 503-594-6323
Library Hours     |     Moodle     |     myClackamas     |     FAQ
Creative Commons License Except where otherwise noted, content in these research guides is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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