How to search CCC Library catalog
Find almost everything CCC Library has to offer to you - items in CCC Library, Summit partner libraries, and most article databases. Then refine your search results to identify the best resources.
- Enter your search terms.

- Select Search (the magnifying glass icon or hit Enter on your keyboard).
- Select Sign in and log in using your myClackamas email and password.

- Refine and filter your results using any of the options listed under Refine my results

Highlights include:
- Availability
- Peer-reviewed Journals - online articles published in peer-reviewed journals
- On Library Shelves - print books in CCC Library on the Oregon City campus
- Full Text Online - resources you can access online using your CCC username and password
- Open Access - resources you can freely access online
- Resource Type
- Read - articles, print books, eBooks, magazine articles, book chapters, newspaper articles, encyclopedias
- Watch - eVideo, DVD videos
- Think about what type of resources make sense for your topic, your time frame, and your instructor's expectations.
- Results page. The images, icons, and text on the results page tells you about each resource and how to access its full text.