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Recommended reading: Young Adult (YA) fiction and non-fiction

Check out our Young Adult book lists organized by genre, non-fiction, and reading level.

Find your Lexile Range

The best way to find out your Lexile range is to find a book that you like to read. But don't pick one too easy or too hard! It should be a little bit of a challenge. 

  1. Go to
  2. Find the Quick Search box at the top of the page
  3. Enter the title of a book that was at a good reading level for you
  4. Note the Lexile number in the green box.  Example: 880L
  5. Your current Lexile range is 100 below and 50 above that number.  Example: 780L - 930L

Once you know your Lexile range, use the blue buttons on this page to find books written at that Lexile level (e.g., 500s).

Lexile numbers on CCC Library books

When you know your Lexile range, you can browse CCC Library's shelves and identify fiction and non-fiction books ready for you to read!

Look for high-visibility stickers on the spine of each book. (The spine of a book is the part of the book that you see when the book is sitting on a library shelf.) The high-visibility sticker will list the book's Lexile number.

spines of books with Lexile stickers

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