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Recommended reading: Young Adult (YA) fiction and non-fiction

Check out our Young Adult book lists organized by genre, non-fiction, and reading level.

What are "banned books"?

Image showing a person reading a book with their fist in the air and the text "words have power read a banned book" Credit: American Library AssociationAccording to the American Library Association, a banned book is a book that has been removed from the shelf of a library or school. A challenged book is a book that some people think should be removed, but hasn't been removed from the shelves of a library or school. 

Book banning and challenging are forms of censorship.

Hundreds of books are challenged and banned each year in the United States alone. 

Every September, the American Library Association - and CCC Library! - celebrate our freedom to read banned and challenged books, and we advocate for the freedom to access information at schools and libraries.

Image source: American Library Association

Intermediate (Lexile 500-799)

Cover image of book.

Thirteen Reasons Why

Lexile 550
Banned: profanity and use of sexually explicit scenes

Cover image of book.

The Handmaid's Tale

Lexile 750
Banned: profanity, sexual content, being anti-Christian, LGBTQIA+ characters

Cover image of book.


Lexile 790
Banned: talking animals, Pooh does not wear underpants

Cover image of book.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Lexile 600
Banned: profanity, sexual references, allegations of sexual misconduct by the author

Cover image of book.

Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out

Lexile: 600
Banned: LGBTQIA+ content

Cover image of book.

Out of Darkness

Lexile 660
Banned: profanity and sexually explicit content

Cover image of book.

Al Capone Does My Shirts

Lexile 600
Banned: negative stereotypes

Cover image of book.

So Far from the Bamboo Grove

Lexile 730
Banned: explicit scenes

Cover image of book.

Shattering Glass

Lexile 590
Banned: profanity,  sexual encounters, and violence

Cover image of book.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Lexile 720
Banned: drugs / alcohol / smoking, homosexuality, offensive language, sexually explicit

Cover image of book.

All American Boys

Lexile 770
Banned: profanity, drug use, alcoholism, thought to promote anti-police views

Cover image of book.

Be Dazzled

Lexile 740
Banned: LGBTQIA+ content

Advanced (Lexile 800-1100)

Cover image of book.

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You

Lexile: 1000
Banned: teaches critical race theory, is "divisive"

Cover image of book.

The Hunger Games

Lexile 810
Banned: themes of rebellion and challenging authority

Cover image of book.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Lexile 870
Banned: racial slurs, featuring a “white savior” character

Cover image of book.

All Boys Aren't Blue

Lexile 890
Banned: LGBTQIA+ and sexual content

Cover image of book.

The Complete Maus

Lexile 970
Banned: racism, violence, nudity (in mouse caricatures), profanity

Cover image of book.

This Book Is Gay

Lexile 1070
Banned: providing sexual education and LGBTQIA+ content

Cover image of book.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Lexile 880
Banned: witchcraft

Cover image of book.

Looking for Alaska

Lexile 850
Banned: sexually explicit, LGBTQIA+ content.

Cover image of book.

The Call of the Wild

Lexile 820
Banned: too "radical," violence

Cover image of book.

The Fault in Our Stars

Lexile 850
Banned: crude language, sexual content

Cover image of book.

The Bluest Eye

Lexile 920
Banned: considered sexually explicit, depicts child sexual abuse

Cover image of book.

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Lexile 820
Banned: considered sexually explicit and degrading to women

Cover image of book

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Lexile: 850
Banned: racism, offensive language

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