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WR122 James Bryant-Trerise

Course guide for Writing 122; supports your "Find the Issue" and "Essay" assignments

Hello! What's the problem?

Welcome to your WR122 Course Guide. This term you are identifying a problem in your chosen field of study or career, investigating it, and sharing your findings and solutions in an essay. Simon's Cat, below, has a problem.

Simon's Cat has a problem (wearing a cone around his head and can't get out of the cat door).

In this guide you will find resources that support:

Image credit: Simon Tofield on Twitter / X

Research Help Hours

When will CCC librarians be available Winter Term 2025?

CCC Librarians are available 1/6 through 3/20.

Use our 24/7 online chat service to get help from librarians if you can't come to campus. You may be chatting with a CCC Librarian or you may be chatting with a librarian from a different college. You can also call us at 503-594-6042.

Or schedule a one-on-one appointment to get library help from a CCC Librarian during our Research Help hours. Appointments can be scheduled 24 or more hours in advance. It's your choice if we meet by phone, in person, or video conference (Zoom).

Research Assistance hours:

Monday     9:00am - 8:00pm
Tuesday     9:00am - 5:30pm
9:00am - 8:00pm
Thursday     9:00am - 5:30pm
Friday n/a
Saturday n/a
Sunday n/a


Check the CCC Academic Calendar for holiday-related closures throughout the term. CCC Library is closed between academic terms.

24/7 live chat

Make an appointment with a CCC librarian.

Clackamas Community College Library - 19600 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Reference: 503-594-6042     |     |     Circulation: 503-594-6323
Library Hours     |     Moodle     |     myClackamas     |     FAQ
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