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WR122 James Bryant-Trerise

Course guide for Writing 122; supports your "Find the Issue" and "Essay" assignments

Databases for every topic

Databases by field of study

CCC Library has databases tailored to specific fields of study. Access only the databases most relevant to your field of study.

  1. Visit CCC Library's homepage and select the blue Articles, eBooks, and Databases button.
    Button that says Articles, eBooks, and Databases
  2. Select the Subjects dropdown menu. Choose the Subject most aligned with your field of study.
    Screenshot of AZ Databases Subject dropdown menu.
  3. Most subjects have Best Bets! databases, which are specific to your field of study and will be the most useful for you. Databases that do not have that label contain journals on all topics, including your field of study.

How to find source information in Gale databases

If you are searching for articles in the Opposing Viewpoints database, this is where you can find the journal and publisher information on the article page:

Article in Gale Opposing Viewpoints

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