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CCC Library: Welcome!

CCC Library supports students, faculty, staff, and community members by teaching users how to find and evaluate information, providing access to millions of print and online resources, assisting with research, and offering space to learn.

Today's Library Hours

Make an appointment with a CCC librarian.

What's new at the library!

Voting, Elections, and Democracy

Voting is a right, responsibility, and a celebration! Learn more about voting, resources specific to Clackamas County, and how to identify true information about candidates and issues.

Northstar Digital Literacy

Improve your basic digital literacy skills with Northstar Digital Literacy (Northstar). Test your computer skills and learn new skills on your own, at your own pace.

Northstar is free and anyone can use this tool - students, staff, and community members!

Learn about using email and Microsoft Word, searching for jobs, and more.

Free college credit - LIB101

Learn how to do academic research before you have a paper or presentation due. LIB101 helps you succeed in all college classes that require you to use the library, find credible information, and cite sources.

  • Free credit: no tuition, no fees, no textbook!
  • Online: learn wherever, whenever.
  • Supportive: your instructor is a CCC librarian and available for you.

LIB101 is a free, online, library research college class

Racial equity & anti-racism resources

CCC Library supports our collective liberation. We offer a reading list of print books and eBooks to help you educate yourself about racial equity and anti-racism concepts, issues, and strategies. This reading list is designed to meet a broad variety of learners' needs and experiences.

Book covers for Black AF History; The Talk; The Sum of Us

The Clackamas Print

You can read current issues of CCC's newspaper, The Clackamas Print, online at

PLUS you can now access historic issues online going back to 1976! Check them out at:

Picture of The Clackamas Print logo - 4 colored blocks with

Electronic Resources at CCC

CCC Library has electronic resources including e-books, streaming video, articles, and the news!

Visit our electronic resources guide for more information.

Icon of an ebook made by Bercris from; and icon of a streaming video made by Freepik at

Free Access to the New York Times

Sign up for a FREE New York Times account through CCC Library and get your daily news fix! Your account will work for and NYT mobile apps from any location on any web-enabled device. Sign up for a free account.

Enjoy free access to Cooking and Wirecutter, too.

New York Times logo

Clackamas Community College Library - 19600 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Reference: 503-594-6042     |     |     Circulation: 503-594-6323
Library Hours     |     Moodle     |     myClackamas     |     FAQ
Creative Commons License Except where otherwise noted, content in these research guides is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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