Learn how to get premade APA and MLA citations that you can copy and paste into your References/Works Cited list.
EBSCO databases (Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, EBSCO eBooks)
- Search for an item.
- Select the title of the item to view the abstract, citation, and full text.
- Select Cite in the toolbar menu on the right side of the page. See example.
- Copy and paste the citation that appears at the top of the page into your References/Works Cited list.
Gale databases (Academic OneFile, Gale eBooks / Gale Virtual Reference Library, Opposing Viewpoints)
- Search for an item.
- Select the title of the item to view the abstract, citation, and full text.
- Select Citation Tools in the toolbar menu on the right side of the page. See example.
- Select the MLA tab or APA tab at the top of the pop-up window.
- Copy and paste the citation into your References/Works Cited list.