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MLA & APA help

Learn how to format papers, cite information sources using MLA and APA style, and how to avoid plagiarism.


Premade citations and citation generators:

  • should be free
  • make mistakes
  • may not reflect the most current style guide standards
  • can only create citations for commonly-used resources, like books and articles
  • seriously, they can make mistakes!

Always check premade citations for formatting accuracy.

Premade citations from databases

Learn how to get premade APA and MLA citations that you can copy and paste into your References/Works Cited list.

EBSCO databases (Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, EBSCO eBooks)

  1. Search for an item.
  2. Select the title of the item to view the abstract, citation, and full text.
  3. Select Cite in the toolbar menu on the right side of the page. See example.
  4. Copy and paste the citation that appears at the top of the page into your References/Works Cited list.

Gale databases (Academic OneFile, Gale eBooks / Gale Virtual Reference Library, Opposing Viewpoints)

  1. Search for an item.
  2. Select the title of the item to view the abstract, citation, and full text.
  3. Select Citation Tools in the toolbar menu on the right side of the page. See example.
  4. Select the MLA tab or APA tab at the top of the pop-up window.
  5. Copy and paste the citation into your References/Works Cited list.

Citation generators

Citation generators are online tools which create premade citations. The citations can be copied and pasted into your paper on the References (APA) and Works Cited (MLA) pages.

  • MyBib Choose a citation style, search for the resource, and/or fill out the fields to create an APA or MLA citation. Easy to use. Create a free account to keep your citations for projects and then download the citation page once you are finished. 
  • KnightCite may  look a bit older, but it is an excellent citation generator. It may be easier to navigate for some. 
  • Citation Machine and EasyBib were once independent companies that are now owned by Chegg. They function similarly to MyBib, but are not open source and have many ads. They may require an account or payment after a certain number of citations created.
    • Owl Purdue uses Citation Machine to power their citation generator.
  • Mendeley  is a free reference manager and academic social network. Requires a free account to use.

Remember: Always check software-generated citations for formatting accuracy!

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