Having trouble finding a topic for your paper? The most important aspect of your topic is that it needs to be interesting to you - because you get to learn (research) and write (paper) about it.
Browse for suggested topics in CCC Library's databases (good database options for topic browsing are listed below under Browse for topics).
Review your class lecture notes and PowerPoints.
Brainstorm topics by making a concept map.
Bounce ideas off of your classmates, instructor, or a librarian, tutor, or peer mentor.
A good topic:
is interesting to you;
is narrow enough - too broad a topic and you won't be able to cover it in your paper;
is broad enough - too narrow a topic and you won't be able to find enough information about it; and
fits the parameters of your assignment.
Choosing a good research topic
Before you choose a topic to research, test it out and make sure it is a good topic to use!
Now that you've learned how to choose a good research topic, the next step is to develop a thesis.
A great place to begin research on contemporary topics. Reports are written by journalists and fact checked. They include a topic overview and background, current situations, pro and con viewpoints, images, and timelines.
Begin your research on hot topics and current events here. Opposing Viewpoints (OV) offers "viewpoint articles" and opinion pieces that provide multiple perspectives on issues. Additional coverage includes magazine, newspaper, and academic journal articles.