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Research help

This guide will help you at all stages of the research process, from choosing a topic to citing your sources.

When to search online

It is often more effective to search for information on the Internet (meaning freely accessible websites not restricted behind paywalls) when you are looking for:

  • Statistics
  • Blogs
  • Topics or ways of knowing that have historically been / are excluded from research and publishing
  • Information by creators who have historically been / are excluded from research and publishing
  • Open Access journals
  • Government research and reports
  • Non-profit organizations' research reports
  • Think tanks' research reports
  • Infographics
  • Company information
  • Information about a topic that you know nothing about 

Google like a librarian

We all use it - now let's learn to use it better! Improving your Googling skills will save you time and make it easier to identify better sources of information. Tips and tricks are explained below.

  1. Use quotation marks around your search terms to search for the words in the exact order you would like, instead of separately.

Google - "quotation marks"

  1. Use intitle: to retrieve webpages with your keywords in the title of the webpage

Google - intitle: search

  1. Use site:. to retrieve webpages from URLs in the domain (.gov, .edu, .org) you specify.  

Google - site:. search

  1. Use - (a hyphen or minus sign) in front of words to exclude them from your search results.

Google - NOT

  1. Use OR in between words to have either or both of the words included in your search results. OR must be capitalized. This is a good way to search for synonyms.

Google - OR
In the above example, Google will find results that include (election AND fraud) and (voter AND fraud).

  1. Use filetype: to retrieve specific types of files (instead of html webpages). Works for finding most file types.

filetype: search

  1. Use several strategies at once for very specific results.

Google - all of the above search strategies!

Google Scholar

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