Your instructors expect you to use true, reliable, and authoritative information in your college-level assignments. The gold standard of good information in higher education is the peer-reviewed article. Peer-reviewed articles bring together existing information in the field, go in depth about specific topics, and are written by experts. In short, they are guaranteed* to be true, reliable, and authoritative.
Learn about peer-reviewed articles below.
Peer-reviewed articles are published with the intent of sharing new research and information from specialized fields with researchers, professionals, and students. The process of peer review helps to ensure that each published article is unique, accurate, credible, and objective. Peer-reviewed articles can be published in print journals, online journals, and academic and research organizations’ websites.
Characteristics of a Peer-Reviewed Article
Reading peer-reviewed, academic research articles is not easy. Identifying pertinent information, distinguishing articles from one another, and recalling what you read will get more routine with time and practice. To help you with that process, use this template to organize your thoughts. Rereading your notes will be way easier than rereading an entire article!