Use these tips when you search in CCC Library databases. Your search results will be more focused and relevant to your topic!
Too Many Results? | Too Few Results? |
Need help with too many or too few results? Call, email, chat with, or stop by and see a librarian!
Now you have a list of important words and phrases. These are your search terms - what the library catalog or database will use to find you awesome articles, books, and more.
But beware! Do not dump all of these words into a search box. Use the library catalog or database’s Advanced Search tools to organize your ideas and build a strategic search. For help with this, contact a CCC Librarian or try out our Search String Builder (linked below).
Use these three powerful little words - called Boolean operators - to create better searches.
Boolean operators are words that we use to link two or more keywords while searching. Linking your keywords with the words AND, OR, and NOT help to expand or narrow the results you get while searching.
We all use it - now let's learn to use it better! Improving your Googling skills will save you time and make it easier to identify better sources of information. Tips and tricks are explained below.
In the above example, Google will find results that include (election AND fraud) and (voter AND fraud).
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