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PubMed is a government website that allows users to search for biomedical and health-related scholarly literature. If you are looking for medical information from any disciplinary perspective, PubMed is a good place to start.
PubMed is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The majority of content in PubMed comes from two sources:
To help you identify the most effective search terms, PubMed offers a searchable medical thesaurus called the MeSH Database (Medical Subject Headings). Subject Headings are the official and agreed-upon terms that a given database will use to describe the items that are in it. Each database uses its own vocabulary terms to describe its contents; MeSH is unique to PubMed.
Use natural language to search for Subject Headings in MeSH; jot them down; build your search in PubMed later.
Or, you can build a PubMed search directly from MeSH:
Filters help you narrow your search results to better fit your information needs. These filters are located on the PubMed search results page. Filters of note:
There are more filters that may be relevant to your needs; take time to review them.
PubMed search results contain citation information (e.g., title, journal, publication date) and abstracts of articles and books. PubMed does not include the full text of articles but it may link you to other sources that do, such as PubMed Central (PMC) or the publisher's website.
You can access the free full text of articles in these ways: