This ever-growing collection includes eBooks on every topic, including business, health sciences, literary criticism, performing arts, religion, social sciences, technology, and CTE (career and technical education).
How to search EBSCO eBooks
An image posted on the Internet is free to use, no citation or attribution needed, right? Not so fast! Images are copyrighted works, and to be an ethical information consumer you need to cite your information (image) source. Depending on the purpose of your use of the image, you may also need to secure permission before using the image. (If you're creating an OER, for example.) To avoid the messy world of online images and copyright, consider using an image with a Creative Commons license.
Select the image above (Source: Comosa Connect) to access an interactive graphic that provides you with a wealth of links to Creative Commons-friendly sources. Additional sources that curate Creative Commons images include:
Not a CCC Library database. Scholar is a special Google search engine that looks for scholarly material indexed online (books, articles, dissertations). Full text links are included if available, but you may hit a paywall. To get the free full text of Google Scholar articles emailed to you, submit an interlibrary loan request to CCC Library.
Contains both current events and archived historical journalism.
Includes news articles from 300 regional U.S. newspapers, 40 international newspapers, and U.S. and international newswires.
Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews and editorials on national and international business, sports, movies, travel, books, jobs, education, real estate, and more. Access historical New York Times content using the TimesMachine. Includes access to Cooking, Wirecutter, and The Learning Network. Requires a user account tied to your CCC email address.
**First time users: Sign up for a free account to access the New York Times
Dave suggests Hidden Brain, Radiolab, The Takeaway, OPB’s Here and Now, Medium. Jane also likes Freakonomics, Stuff You Should Know, Reply All, This American Life, and TED Radio Hour.
A multidisciplinary collection of on-demand videos, including subject areas like anthropology, business, counseling, health, history, music, and more. Make video clips and build playlists.
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