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Veteran's Collection

This topic guide highlights our Veteran's Collection and other CCC resources for veterans.

CCC's VET center

As a member of the CCC community, you have access to a plethora of wonderful services! 

Veterans Education and Training Center exists especially to serve our student veterans. Military Times has even ranked CCC as the #6 "Best for Vets" two-year school in the entire nation. CCC has also been awarded a "Military Friendly" designation for the past 9 years from Victory Media.

CCC's VET Center can help you with: Image Best for Vets Colleges medal

  • VA educational benefit enrollment, certification and assistance
  • Using your Post-9/11 GI Bill
  • Understanding VA benefits including your basic allowance for housing
  • Information about all types for veterans benefits
  • Education and career information
  • Connecting with veterans representatives
  • Financial support for veterans and their dependents through scholarships and grants
  • Referrals to additional resources, including Veterans Services Offices

Contact the VET Center

(503) 594-3438

Community Center, Room 100


Did you know?

The VET Center runs a textbook lending program! The VET Center accepts donations of textbooks that courses at CCC require for class. If you are a veteran or a military family member, stop by the VET center to see if they have any textbooks you need! Simply sign them out and use them for the term. When you're done, be sure to return them so other students can take advantage of this program. 


Head to the VET Center in the Community Center, Room 100, to donate your textbooks!

CCC's Disability Resource Center

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) provides services that are designed to support student success by creating a welcoming, inclusive and accessible environment. If you have a history of receiving accommodations or just have questions on how to qualify for services, contact the DRC for help! 

The DRC can help you:

  • Gather information about establishing eligibility and collecting documentation
  • Determine eligibility and establish appropriate academic adjustments
  • Determine academic accommodations on an individual basis
  • Consult disability laws, Universal Design, and other issues
  • With resources and referrals specifically for you

Contact the DRC

(503) 594-6357

Community Center, room 150


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Reference: 503-594-6042     |     |     Circulation: 503-594-6323
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