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DA125 Hiatt

A course guide to support Kari Hiatt's DA 125 course.

Why to search the catalog

NOTE: FOR YOUR DA125 CLASS - I suggest started with a library database, not the catalog. This information is included in case you can't find what you need in a database.

The nice thing about searching the library catalog is that it is what is called a "meta search." This means that it searches many different parts of the library collection including all print books owned by CCC Library and some article, ebook, and video databases we subscribe to. The image below shows what is searched and what is excluded.

Graphic shows that the catalog searches print materials, some databases, but not Google Scholar.

This means that it's good to search the library catalog when:

  • You want to cast a wide net. If you are first starting out, a meta search like the catalog can help you find background information and make sure there is information out there.
  • You know exactly what you want. When you have a specific title of an information resource, the library catalog is the best place to start.
  • You want a physical book.
  • Need filters: The library catalog, unlike Google (another meta-search), has lots of built in tools for you to refine your search results.

Try out a tutorial

If you learn best by practicing, check out this tutorial on using the library catalog.

This tutorial is brand new and hasn't been tested by students. Give it a try and if you want, let me know how it goes (!

Search everything in CCC Library's catalog

Search strategy overview - CCC Library catalog

Find almost everything CCC Library has to offer to you - items in CCC Library, Summit partner libraries, and most article databases. Then refine your search results to identify the best resources.

  1. Enter your search terms.
    Screebshot of a basic search - "hip hop" AND politics.
  2. Select Search (the magnifying glass icon or hit Enter on your keyboard).
  3. Select Sign in and log in using your myClackamas email and password.
    CCC Library users sign in for request options (and to save items to your folder)
  4. Refine and filter your results using any of the options listed under Refine my results
    Primo Availability refining tool.

    Highlights include:
    • Availability
      • Peer-reviewed Journals - online articles published in peer-reviewed journals
      • On Library Shelves - print books in CCC Library on the Oregon City campus
      • Full Text Online - resources you can access online using your CCC username and password
      • Open Access - resources you can freely access online
    • Resource Type
      • Read - articles, print books, eBooks, magazine articles, book chapters, newspaper articles, encyclopedias
      • Watch - eVideo, DVD videos
      • Think about what type of resources make sense for your topic, your time frame, and your instructor's expectations.
  5. Results page. The images, icons, and text on the results page tells you about each resource and how to access its full text. 
    Primo search results showing an online article and print book with full-text access options and citation, email, and folder icons
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