Use these tips
when you search in CCC Library databases. Your search results will be more focused and relevant to your topic!
- Use quotation marks around phrases and search terms to search for the words in the exact order you would like, instead of separately.

- Use different search boxes for each different idea that makes up your overall topic.

Too Many Results? |
Too Few Results? |
- Add in additional search terms.
- Limit to peer-reviewed journals.
- Limit by date.
- Limit by subject.
- Limit to items with full-text availability.
- Change the search box dropdown menu to "Abstract" or "Subject."
- Verify that you spelled everything correctly.
- Erase unnecessary search terms.
- Try different search terms.
- Use the Boolean operator OR between search terms.
- Remove any limits you may have added to an earlier search.
- Change the search box dropdown menu to "All Text" or "Entire Document."
Need help with too many or too few results? Call, email, chat with, or stop by and see a librarian!