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ESL046 (Editing for Better Writing)

This website will help you find good sources to read for your Extensive Reading assignments.

What is "good" to read?

For your Extensive Reading assignment, you should read for pleasure. Below are some hints to help you choose what to read.

  • Find a book that isn't too easy or too difficult! ​
    • Hint: Use the 5 Finger Rule to help you find the right reading material.
  • Print books, magazines, and newspapers are good.
  • Online websites, books, magazines, and newspapers are good.
  • Look in CCC Library for our "Leveled Reader Collection" and our "Children's Collection."
    • Hint: Reading aloud to your children is good for this assignment!
  • Do NOT read your textbook for this assignment.

5 finger rule

Read the first page. Count the words you do not know.

  • If there are more than 5 words you do not know, this book may be too difficult.
  • If you know all the words, the book may be too easy.

Find a book you like!

  1. Choose something you are interested in! Do you like mystery? Romance? Fantasy? Books that are movies? Non-fiction?
  2. Read the back of the book and the inside cover.
  3. Ask your friends! Did they read a good book? Why did they like it?
  4. Ask a librarian to help you find a book you like.

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