Films on Demand (FoD) offers thousands of streaming videos online - it’s like an academic version of Netflix! Subjects include art, biology, careers & job searching, criminal justice, CTE, history, mathematics, science, technology, and world languages.
Films on Demand has an app you can use on your mobile device! Follow these directions to get started:
Your CCC Library New York Times account comes with app access! You can use The New York Times app and the NYT Cooking app! Follow these directions to get started.
The New York Times App
NYT Cooking app
CCC Library's Kanopy collection is small but mighty. CCC faculty may browse Kanopy's catalog and request streaming video purchases that support their curriculum using our Suggest a Purchase form. Kanopy is a popular, on-demand streaming service that offers more than 30,000 of the world’s best films, including award-winning documentaries, rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema.
Kanopy has an app you can use on your mobile device! Follow these directions to get started: