In-person support with Northstar is available.
CCC's Technology Tutors know how to use Northstar and are here to help you.
- Visit CCC's Academic Computer Lab
Dye Learning Center
19600 Molalla Avenue
Oregon City, Oregon 97045
- Let a Technology Tutor know you would like help with:
- signing up for a free Northstar account
- starting a Northstar assessment or tutorial
- resuming where you last left off in Northstar
Additional support people include:
Name |
Phone / Email |
Contact for: |
Josh Aman
he / him
Coordinator: Tutoring and Academic Computer Lab
503-594-3070 |
- Signing up for Northstar
- Account access
Beth Caldwell
she / her
Librarian |
503-594-0727 |
- General questions
- Account access
Jane Littlefield
she / her
Librarian |
503-594-3474 |
- General questions
- Account access
Suzanne Munro
she / her
ESOL Faculty |
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students
Adrienne Scritsmier
she / her
Coordinator: Enrollment and Student Services, Wilsonville
503-594-0942 |
- Community Education classes
- Account access