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Using CCC Library

CCC Library supports students, faculty, staff, and community members by teaching users how to find and evaluate information, providing access to millions of print and online resources, assisting with research, and offering space to learn.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

CCC students, faculty, staff, and community borrowers in need of books, articles, or other materials not available at CCC Library or through Summit libraries can request those items from another library that participates in the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) program. Loan periods may be shorter than for our own materials, and renewals may or may not be possible. ILL is a free service.

All article requests should be submitted through ILL.

To request an article, first double-check that the article is not available from another database. The CCC Library Catalog is a good place to check!

Once you have determined it is not available at CCC, please fill out our Interlibrary Loan form (below) or contact Karina Young at 503-594-3314 or Articles will be emailed to you within 3 - 10 business days. Include the following information:

  • Article name
  • Article author
  • Journal name, volume number, and issue number
  • Publication date
  • Article page range

To request a book, first double-check that the book is not available from a Summit library. If it is not (or if you are a community borrower), please contact Karina Young at 503-594-3314 or ILL books arrive in 7-10 business days. Include the book title, author, publication date, and ISBN (if possible).

You may also stop by the library to fill out a paper request form.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who may use Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
  • CCC students, staff and faculty, including Distance Learning students. You will need either your library barcode or ID number (found on your CCC ID card or course registration) to request materials. Clackamas County residents may also obtain a CCC Library card and use the barcode to place an Interlibrary Loan request.
  • What can be obtained?
  • Participating libraries will generally lend books from their circulating collections and will send electronic versions of articles from journals, magazines and newspapers.
  • What cannot be obtained?
  • Participating libraries will usually not lend reference materials, non-print materials, or whole issues of journals, magazines or newspapers.
  • How long does it take?
  • Requests for Physical items generally take 1-2 weeks. Uncommon items may take longer. Electronic articles can take a much shorter times, as can other materials available close by.
  • What if I need it tomorrow?
  • A reference librarian can help you determine whether the item is available for you to use at another library in the area. Use our 24/7 chat or stop by the Research Help Desk in CCC Library on the Oregon City campus.
  • Will you mail it to me?
  • Students currently enrolled in a Remote or Online course may request that items be mailed to them if they are unable to come to the Library. By requesting mail service, you become responsible for any borrowed items; should it be lost in transit in either direction, you will be charged for replacement and processing.
  • What does it cost?
  • There is usually no charge; however, some lending libraries do require an additional fee. Please state on the request form the maximum amount you would be willing to pay ($0-$20) to obtain the item if there is such a fee. Pre-payment is necessary in the rare event there are no cost-free options. You will be contacted if this becomes necessary.
  • What information do I need to provide?
  • For a book: author, title, edition if it matters, publication year, and ISBN. For an article: author, title, source (journal/magazine) title, volume, issue, date and page numbers. (please include ISSN if you have it)
  • What if I don't have all that information?
  • No problem; ask a reference librarian to help you find it. Call 503-594-6042, email, or use our 24/7 chat service available on our website.
  • How many items can be requested?
  • For students and staff, there is no limit. We must limit interlibrary loan requests from non-student/non-staff to three requests per week, with a limit of nine per term.
  • How will I be notified when the materials arrive?
  • You will be contacted by email.
  • Where do I pick up and return my ILL items?
  • Items can be picked up and returned at the Circulation Services Desk in CCC Library, on the Oregon City campus.
  • How long may I keep the items?
  • Each lending library puts its own due date on items that need to be returned. Three weeks is a common loan period for ILL items. Renewal may or may not be possible.
Clackamas Community College Library - 19600 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Reference: 503-594-6042     |     |     Circulation: 503-594-6323
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