Strengthen your critical thinking and information literacy skills using CCC Library-created videos, interactive tutorials, handouts, and more. A complete list of CCC Library's tutorials and other instructional material is available at
Additional instructional material includes CCC Library’s primary teaching tool: our website. The purpose of CCC Library’s website is threefold: to support members of the CCC community in their learning; to empower library users by providing intuitive, accessible, and free access to academic content, resources, and expertise; and, to educate library users about using CCC Library. CCC Library’s website is faculty-driven, created and maintained using LibGuides, and comprises webpages with different purposes:
- CCC Library’s homepage is the syllabus for CCC Library. The homepage communicates the framework of the library and facilitates discovery of relevant discipline- and course-specific resources.
- EFA Subject Guides provide relevant content and supplemental material for users within a specific EFA / discipline.
- Topic Guides provide relevant library content related to the College's mission and priorities, College events, and library-related topics of interest.
- Course Guides reflect the curriculum of course-integrated library instruction sessions and the instructional methods of the teaching librarian. Course guides are not to function as an alternative to Moodle course shells.
- Library Services Guides establish a contract with library users by publicly providing information about procedures and guidelines for using CCC Library’s tools, services, and physical space.