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Using CCC Library

CCC Library supports students, faculty, staff, and community members by teaching users how to find and evaluate information, providing access to millions of print and online resources, assisting with research, and offering space to learn.

Library instruction sessions

Library instruction sessions are centered on learning and practicing research, information literacy, and critical thinking-related skills and concepts within the context of a course, degree, or program. CCC Librarians are flexible in how we provide instruction to hybrid, remote, online, and in-person courses! We focus on active learning, giving students a chance to try out techniques and discover information.

Instructional material

Strengthen your critical thinking and information literacy skills using CCC Library-created videos, interactive tutorials, handouts, and more. A complete list of CCC Library's tutorials and other instructional material is available at

Additional instructional material includes CCC Library’s primary teaching tool: our website. The purpose of CCC Library’s website is threefold: to support members of the CCC community in their learning; to empower library users by providing intuitive, accessible, and free access to academic content, resources, and expertise; and, to educate library users about using CCC Library. CCC Library’s website is faculty-driven, created and maintained using LibGuides, and comprises webpages with different purposes:

  • CCC Library’s homepage is the syllabus for CCC Library. The homepage communicates the framework of the library and facilitates discovery of relevant discipline- and course-specific resources.
  • EFA Subject Guides provide relevant content and supplemental material for users within a specific EFA / discipline.
  • Topic Guides provide relevant library content related to the College's mission and priorities, College events, and library-related topics of interest.
  • Course Guides reflect the curriculum of course-integrated library instruction sessions and the instructional methods of the teaching librarian. Course guides are not to function as an alternative to Moodle course shells.
  • Library Services Guides establish a contract with library users by publicly providing information about procedures and guidelines for using CCC Library’s tools, services, and physical space.

Library instruction procedures and guidelines

To review CCC Library's complete Library Instruction Procedures and Guidelines document, please contact a librarian.

Clackamas Community College Library - 19600 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Reference: 503-594-6042     |     |     Circulation: 503-594-6323
Library Hours     |     Moodle     |     myClackamas     |     FAQ
Creative Commons License Except where otherwise noted, content in these research guides is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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