If you find a print book, CD, or DVD that CCC Library doesn’t have, you can request it through Summit. Here's what to do:
- Type in search terms for the item you want using CCC Library Search.
- Choose "CCC + Summit" from the dropdown menu next to the search box, then select Search.
- Select the CCC Library users sign in for request options link.

- Log in using your full Clackamas email address and password.
- Learn how to get the item by selecting the item's title.
- If an item has green text reading Available at..., it is available at CCC.
- If an item has orange text reading Check holdings..., it is available through Summit. Select Check holdings to request the item. Move on to step 6.
- If an item has gray text reading Check holdings..., then the item is checked out from CCC Library but it is available through Summit. Select Check holdings to request the item. Move on to step 6.
- Select Request from Summit (2-5 days).

- Select your Pickup Location.

- Select Request.
- Once completed, select Sign Out in the upper right corner of the page. Then, close your browser window to ensure that your account is closed completely.
CCC Library will email you when your Summit item is available for pick up. Use the scheduling link in that email to pick a time to pick your item up at Dye Learning Center. Items must be picked up within seven calendar days after they are available or they will be returned to the lending library.
If your Summit request cannot be filled, an email will notify you that your request was canceled. Instructions on how to request the item through ILL will be available on the cancelation email.
Community borrowers cannot use Summit, but they can request books through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).