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Faculty and staff services and resources

This guide gathers together resources to assist faculty in using CCC Library's tools, research tutorials, and services.

Information Literacy student learning outcomes

Depending on your students' needs and assignment requirements, librarians will design content and activities built around any of the following learning outcomes. This is a general list of mindsets and skills that we strive to support and strengthen in the CCC community. It is not comprehensive.

Learning Outcome


General library orientation

  • access CCC Library's website, physical space, services, and general resources
  • know how and when to get help from a librarian

Identify a researchable topic

  • recognize steps of the research process
  • browse for topics
  • develop initial research questions appropriate to the scope of the assignment
  • perform exploratory background research
Prepare to search
  • develop keywords (search terms) based on their research topic
  • describe different types of information and their uses
  • differentiate between popular and scholarly sources
  • develop an initial understanding of "credibility" and "expertise" within the context of their information need
Search using CCC Library tools
  • recognize when it is more effective to search for information using a CCC Library tool
  • practice basic search strategies (keywords, quotation marks, filters)
  • practice advanced search strategies (controlled vocabulary, Booleans)
  • use the CCC Library catalog to search for and access relevant material
  • use academic databases to search for and access relevant material
  • retrieve pre-made citation information
  • access full text from a citation
Search using the Internet
  • recognize when it is more effective to search for information on the Internet
  • practice basic search strategies (keywords, quotation marks, commands)
  • use Google (or other search engine) to search for and access relevant material
  • use Google Scholar to search for and access relevant material
  • retrieve pre-made citation information

Evaluate information: General skills


Building upon their contextual understanding of credibility and expertise, students will be able to:

  • apply information evaluation strategies and tools to their information resource(s)
  • make informed decisions about information use
Evaluate information: Special topics
  • understand how to identify misinformation and disinformation
  • understand how to identify AI-generated content
Use information ethically
  • understand why citing information sources matters
  • identify the elements needed to build citations for multiple types of resources (APA7 or MLA9)
  • organize their research


CCC Librarians build formative and just-in-time assessments into our instruction sessions as often as we can. These may show up as a 1-minute papers, Menti or Zoom polls, surveys, interactive tutorial quizzes, and / or small or large group discussions.

And, we would love to collaborate on more meaningful - and summative - assessment! If deeper research skill assessment sounds interesting to you, hooray and please reach out to a librarian!

Clackamas Community College Library - 19600 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Reference: 503-594-6042     |     |     Circulation: 503-594-6323
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Creative Commons License Except where otherwise noted, content in these research guides is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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