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Textbook Affordability and Open Educational Resources (OER)

This guide is an introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) and efforts to lower student textbook and course material costs at CCC.

CCC's Textbook Affordability Plan

Clackamas Community College (CCC) is a student-centered organization dedicated to providing equitable, innovative, and responsive education to the community it serves. In service of this mission, CCC has developed a Textbook Affordability Plan to guide Textbook Affordability work at the college.

Textbook affordability offers opportunities to fulfill our College mission. In 2019, Oregon passed Oregon House Bill 2213, which lays out requirements for this plan. A Textbook Affordability Workgroup was formed to develop the plan, which was completed in June 2021. If you are interested in joining the workgroup to further develop this plan or work on other TA initiatives at CCC, please contact Justine Munds:

Oregon's OER initiative - HB2871

The State of Oregon, through House Bill 2871, made a "legislative investment in the area of textbook affordability, with a specific focus on the development of Open Educational Resources (OER)" (HECC, 2015). In layperson language, Oregon has asked public colleges and universities to work to reduce textbooks costs for students.

Oregon House Bill 2871 highlights:

  • Section 1: Provides funding to develop OER for 15 high enrollment courses across the state
    • Impact for CCC: Easily accessible, available, reviewed OER and materials for high enrollment courses like WR121, PSY101 and other general education courses will become available soon.
  • Section 2: Provides funding for statewide OER Specialist to support identifying, developing and adopting OER in Oregon higher education
    • Impact for CCC: Additional support, help and funding from the State of Oregon
  • Section 4: Each public university listed in ORS 352.002 and community college shall prominently designate courses whose course materials exclusively consist of open or free textbooks or other low-cost or no-cost course materials. The course designation required by this section must appear in the published course descriptions that are on the Internet or are otherwise provided to students at the time of course registration, including on the campus bookstore course materials list that is provided for the course.
    • Impact for CCC: CCC is developing and implementing a sustainable process and system to designate OER courses at CCC.

Thank you CCC HB2871 Workgroup for the above language.

Other Oregon State Legislation

Federal Legislation

  • The Higher Education Opportunity Act was enacted in August of 2008. This legislation aimed to make course materials more affordable for college students by requiring "transparency and disclosure" in regards to course materials. That transparency included a directive to include, "to the maximum extent practicable," the ISBN and cost of course materials in the class schedule. In lieu of an ISBN and price, colleges are able to post "to be determined" and remain in compliance with this legislation. 
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