Some textbooks are available to be checked out for a short loan period, usually around 3 hours. Some textbooks are available to be checked out for the entire term. Just come to the Circulation Services desk at the library and ask for your book, we’ll tell you what’s available!
Note: not all textbooks are available at the library. If your textbook is not here, we’ll work with your instructor to get a copy in the library as soon as possible.
Donate textbooks to the library!
Do you have any textbooks used for CCC classes within the last year? Consider donating them to the library so future students can access them for free. Textbook donations can be brought to CCC Library in the Dye Learning Center during our open hours.
How to Find Low Cost Text Courses
At CCC, low-cost text (LCT) courses have a required course material cost of $40 or less. This means any required textbooks, workbooks, lab manuals, online homework programs, or access codes for the class will cost a total of $40 or less. Extras like art supplies, calculators, equipment, and course fees are not considered for LCT designation.
3. You will be redirected to the Catalog Advanced Search
4. First, select the term you want to view from the drop down menu
5. Next, under “Course Type” select “Low Cost Texts" from the drop down menu
6. Add any other filters you need
7. Click "search"
8. The courses listed in the results will be courses whose total course material costs are $40 or less.
9. Note: make sure you register for the exact section listed in your results! There may be other sections taught by other instructors that have more expensive texts.
Textbook Grants
CCC's Associated Student Government offers a variety of small grants to help students, including a Textbook Grant. Applications are accepted online before each term. Find out more information, including how to apply, on the Associated Student Government page.
Textbook Grant money can only be used to purchase or rent textbooks. School supplies are not covered.
Using Financial Aid to Pay for Textbooks
You can use your financial aid to pay for textbooks at the CCC bookstore if you have been awarded and accepted aid beyond your tuition. Please be aware of the following:
Financial aid can only be used to charge books, supplies, and equipment required for CCC classes.
Up to $500 of available aid can be used to charge required materials at the bookstore per term.
You can use financial aid to charge required materials starting one week before the start of term. All charges must be made by 3pm on the last business day of the second week of the term